All files with examples should be opened from web server (i.e or http://localhost/example.html)!


 Include all parameters in result code
 Include parameters with unmodified default values.
-Parameters not used in current mode.


Object settings:
Width   (Parameter automaticaly modifies "filesListWidth", "clearListButtonX" and "progressBarWidth" parameters)
Height   (Parameter automaticaly modifies "filesListHeight", "uploadButtonY", "progressBarY" and "labelInfoY" parameters)

Main settings:
alertAboutOldversion  ? labelUploadVisible ?
useExternalInterface  ? browseButtonVisible ?
 fontFamily  ?  > removeButtonVisible ?
 fontSize  ?  > clearButtonVisible ?
listUseRollOver ? uploadButtonVisible ?
showIOError  ? prepareButtonVisible ?
numberRetry  ?  > progressBarVisible  ?
javaScriptEventsPrefix  ?  > dateFormatString  ?  >
cancelImmediately  ? showLink  ?
showAboutMenuItem  ? externalVariablesUrl  ?  

uploadMode   maxFileSize  ?  >
uploadUrl  ?  >  maxFileCount  ?  >
redirectUploadUrl  ?  >  maxFileSizeTotal  ?  >
redirectTarget   ?  >  sendTestRequest  ?
sendFieldsByGetMethod  ?  uploadFileFieldName  ?  >
removeUploadedFilesFromList  ?  formName  ?  >
sendFileId  ?  fileIdFieldName  ?  >
sendFileCreationDate  ?  fileCreationDateFieldName  ?  >
sendFileModificationDate  ?  fileModificationDateFieldName  ?  >
sendFileSize  ?  fileSizeFieldName  ?  >
sendFilesCount  ?  filesCountFieldName  ?  >
sendCurrentFileIndex  ?  currentFileIndexFieldName  ?  >
sendBrowserCookie  ?  browserCookieFieldName  ?  >
fileTypes   ?  >    
customPostFields   ?  >    

customList  customListShowProgressBar 
customListShowTextInput  customListShowRemoveButton 
customListTextInputBackgroundColor   Pick... ?  > customListTextInputTextColor   Pick... ?  >
 customListRemoveButtonText  ?  >  customListTextInputName  ?  >
 customListTextInputDefaultString  ?  >    

sendThumbnails  getThumbnailFromExif 
sendOriginalImages  thumbnailAutoRotate 
 thumbnailWidth  ?  >  thumbnailHeight  ?  >
 thumbnailFormat  ?  >  thumbnailJPGQuality  ?  >
thumbnailTransparentBackground  thumbnailBackgroundColor   Pick... ?  >
 thumbnailUploadUrl  ?  >  thumbnailFormFieldName  ?  >
 thumbnailFileName  ?  >  rotateAngleFieldName  ?  >
 rotateAngleBeforeCropFieldName  ?  >  cropRectXFieldName  ?  >
 cropRectYFieldName  ?  >  cropRectWidthFieldName  ?  >
 cropRectHeightFieldName  ?  >    

downloadMode  ? filesToDownload  ?  >

backgroundColor   Pick... ?  > listTextColor   Pick... ?  >
textColor   Pick... ?  > listTextSelectedColor   Pick... ?  >
buttonTextColor   Pick... ?  > listTextRollOverColor   Pick... ?  >
buttonBackgroundColor   Pick... ?  > listBackgroundColor   Pick... ?  >
buttonBottomBorderColor   Pick... ?  >    
buttonTopBorderColor   Pick... ?  > listRollOverColor   Pick... ?  >
buttonDisabledTextColor   Pick... ?  > listUpColor   Pick... ?  >
buttonDisabledBackgroundColor   Pick... ?  > listDownColor   Pick... ?  >
buttonDisabledBottomBorderColor   Pick... ?  > listSelectedUpColor   Pick... ?  >
buttonDisabledTopBorderColor   Pick... ?  > listSelectedDownColor   Pick... ?  >
buttonRollOverBackgroundColor   Pick... ?  > listSelectedRollOverColor   Pick... ?  >
buttonRollOverBottomBorderColor   Pick... ?  > listUnuploadedColor   Pick... ?  >
buttonRollOverTopBorderColor   Pick... ?  > listUploadedColor   Pick... ?  >
buttonDownBottomBackgroundColor   Pick... ?  > progressBarLeftColor   Pick... ?  >
buttonDownTopBackgroundColor   Pick... ?  > progressBarRightColor   Pick... ?  >
buttonDownBottomBorderColor   Pick... ?  > progressBarLeftBorderColor   Pick... ?  >
buttonDownTopBorderColor   Pick... ?  > progressBarRightBorderColor   Pick... ?  >

Labels: (Type <br> for carriage return)
labelUploadText  ?  > labelDownloadText  ?  >
uploadButtonText  ?  > downloadButtonText  ?  >
browseButtonText  ?  >    
removeButtonText  ?  >    
clearListButtonText  ?  >    
cancelButtonText  ?  >    
prepareButtonText  ?  >    
totalSizeText  ?  > progressDownloadPausedText  ?  >
progressUploadCompleteText  ?  > progressDownloadCompleteText  ?  >
progressUploadingText  ?  > progressDownloadingText  ?  >
progressUploadCanceledText  ?  > progressDownloadCanceledText  ?  >
progressUploadStoppedText  ?  > progressDownloadStoppedText  ?  >
retryDialogYesLabel  ?  > retryDialogNoLabel  ?  >
sortAscLabel  ?  > sortDescLabel  ?  >
sortByNameLabel  ?  > sortBySizeLabel  ?  >
sortByDateLabel  ?  >    
progressMainText  ?  >
progressUploadThumbnailsText  ?  >
progressGenerateThumbnail  ?  >
progressReadyForUpload  ?  >
fileListPattern  ?  >
retryDialogCaption  ?  >

uploadUrlEmptyMessage  ?  >
fileSizeExceedMessage  ?  >
fileSizeTotalExceedMessage  ?  >
filesCountExceedMessage  ?  >
zeroSizeMessage  ?  >
fileTypeWrongMessage  ?  >
retryDialogMessage  ?  >
httpErrorMessage  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_400  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_401  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_402  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_403  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_404  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_405  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_406  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_407  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_408  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_409  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_410  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_411  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_412  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_413  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_414  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_415  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_416  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_417  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_500  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_501  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_502  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_503  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_504  ?  >
httpErrorCodeDescription_505  ?  >

labelUploadWidth  > labelUploadX  >
labelUploadHeight  > labelUploadY  >

browseButtonWidth  > browseButtonX  >
browseButtonHeight  > browseButtonY  >

removeButtonWidth  > removeButtonX  >
removeButtonHeight  > removeButtonY  >

clearListButtonWidth  > clearListButtonX  >
clearListButtonHeight  > clearListButtonY  >

filesListWidth  > filesListX  >
filesListHeight  > filesListY  >

uploadButtonWidth  > uploadButtonX >
uploadButtonHeight  > uploadButtonY >

progressBarWidth  > progressBarX  >
progressBarY  >

labelInfoWidth  > labelInfoX  >
labelInfoHeight  > labelInfoY  >

Other examples